Tips for Getting Your Newly-Purchased Used Boat Ready For Open Water

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Transportation Tips and Advice There are many different methods of transportation which can be used to move people and goods around the country, from city to city and across the Outback. I have always been fascinated by transportation. When I was a boy, I would see a truck on the highway or a train on the tracks, and I would wonder where it had come from and where it was going. Although I don't work in the transportation industry, I have spent the last 10 years of my learning all I can from trade magazines and from conversations with transportation professionals. I hope you enjoy my blog!



Buying a boat is a great investment for individuals that love to make the most of Aussie's climate by spending time on the Southern, Pacific or the Indian Ocean during the summer. However, when you begin to scour around for a boat for you and your family or friends, the purchase price of a brand new boat can be shocking. However, this does not mean that you are out of options if the new boats do not fit into your budget. Used boats are just as good an investment, since you can find some that are in optimum condition. Nevertheless, used boats will need some prep before you start taking them out to your preferred water body. Here are three nifty tips for getting your used boat ready for open water:

Have your mechanic tune up the boat

Whether you bought the used boat right before the summer or you had purchased it several months before, it is imperative to have it tuned up before you take it out to the water. A boat mechanic will carry out a thorough inspection to ensure that all the components of your used boat are working at optimum. Some of the parts that your mechanic will investigate and repair, if need be, will include the water pumps, the lubricant, the spark plugs and so on.

Have your mechanic examine the electrical system

One thing to note about used boats is that their batteries have been dormant for a while. Even if a new battery was retrofitted into the boat, you still have to factor in that the boat may have been on sale for a substantial amount of time. Therefore, before you take your boat along for its first outing in the water, it is critical to ensure the electrical system is working efficiently. Your mechanic will run some tests to ensure that the battery is at optimum. A handy tip you could use is to have the battery slow-charge overnight on the day before you go out on the water.

Clean the used boat

You may think that cleaning simply means polishing the exterior of the boat and mopping the interiors, but this is not quite the case. While it is great to ensure that your boat is looking spotless before you take it out on the water, you should also pay close attention to the scuppers and drains of the boat. The scuppers function to ensure any water that gets on the deck of your boat will overflow back into the water body, so it is imperative to ensure that they are not clogged. 

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